Safety First: Operating Your Vacuum Impregnation Machine API 3.0

Safety First: Operating Your Vacuum Impregnation Machine API 3.0

Machinery safety guide for operating  API 3.0


This safety guide is crafted for purchasers and operators of our cutting-edge Vacuum Impregnation Machine API 3.0.
Utilizing butane as a solvent, this machine demands safety protocols due to the nature of butane. 


butane molecule


Butane is highly flammable, colorless, and odorless gas. Because of this safety at working with butane is very important. Butane can be one of the safest fuels to work with when safety practices are used.

While this guide provides critical insights, it is important to complement it with the comprehensive A.P.I. 3.0 instruction manual and adhere to state and local regulations and the ATEX directive 2014/34/EU.


Closed Loop Concept of Vacuum Impregnation Machine

A.P.I. 3.0 operates on a closed-loop concept, »loop« indicating the system’s recovery and reuse of the solvent.

The solvent initiates the cycle within a vessel, flows through another with botanical material, and ultimately returns to the original vessel, forming a continuous “loop.”

While this system minimizes environmental impact, a slight butane release during normal operation emphasizes the need for strict safety adherence to prevent any potential accidents.


Summary of Safety Requirements

Work place requirements

  • Fire extinguisher 
  • Ventilation. It is mandatory to ensure natural or mechaical ventilation. Ventilation must be done with explosion proof equipment, with regard to ensuring needed fresh air supply, placement of the inlet and outlet canales, releasing of the outlet flow in the environment. Fotka
  • All the source of potential ignition must be located outside of hazard area. That should be located outside potential explosive atmosphere, placed from the ground to prevent exposing to butane. Butane is much heavier as air so in case of the presence it will be on the bottom.
  • Butane detector alerts if there is a presence of butane gas. Butane is a colorless, and odorless gas. This makes is impossible to detect without butane detector.
    Detector must be suitable for industrial use in explosion proof protection.
    Depending on the installation the gas detector will alert about the presence of butane gas. Machine operator can then respond in time and accordingly to the safety measurements.
  • Protection against static electricity discharge. In case there is a static electricity discharge, this can cause a spark that can have sufficient energy to ignite the explosion atmosphere. To prevent static discharge all the equipment must be grounded including the flooring. Personal protection equipment like shoes and clothing should be anti.static.
  • Working place where it could come to an explosive atmosphere has to be marked with EX mark. 
Exeat API-9672 fire extinguisher
Exeat API-9638 ventilation
ex sign
exeat ventilation system

In case of a presence of butane the operator will get visual and audio alarm when Exeat ventilation system is installed. Besides that  the detector will trigger ventilator and in case of dangerous concentrations of gas all the electrical consumers will be disconeted. Leaving only ventilator work on 100%, full capcity.   

Besides that, a presence of only authorized personnel should be ensured. They should not work with open fire, smoke or use tools that overheat or generate sparks.

Flammable chemicals and cleaning agents can be in working place only during cleaning and not while potential explosion atmosphere cold occur (e.g. operating the machine). After use the chemicals and agents must be removed from the hazard area and properly stored. 

Operational requirements

Do not mix butane and air, mixing butane gas and air could lead to dangerous situation.
Prior to operating the machine, the air should be evacuated from tanks for butane gas.
And after the evacuation of air, it has to be ensured that the system is tightly sealed. Leakage test should be performed regularly.

According to the instruction manual it is mandatory to make regularly vacuum and over pressure leakage test of the system.
With vacuum and overpressure leakage test all the leaking spots can be detected.
While machine operating a leakage of the joints or seals can occur.
To minimize the possibility of leakage a totally tight systems should be ensured and tested. Besides overpressure leakage test, the accuracy of the manometers and safety valves is tested.
The leakage test will detect if the manometers and safety valves are malfunctioning (damaged or blocked).

It is prohibited to work with the equipment which is not fully functional.

Butane and other solvents

Do not use other solvent than butane or solvents that are not approved by the manufacturer.
Other solvents have different vapor pressure compared to butane. This could lead to the opening of safety pressure valves, damaging the pressure vessels or damaging the seals due to the chemical compatibility and incompatibility.


We have gathered some of the safety guides that ensure safe operation of our vacuum impregnation machine A.P.I 3.0.
As stressed at the beginning, to use our machine safely, instruction manual should be followed besides your state laws and the ATEX directive 2014/34/EU.

What is infused flower?

What is infused flower?

Lets talk about infused flower today.
You probably have heard about it but are maybe wondering what it actually is and how it is made. 

In this blog we will explain:

  • what is it, 
  • why do we infuse hemp flower, 
  • what are the effects, 
  • how we infuse hemp flower,
  • which cannabinoids we use for infusion, 
  • the benefits.
hhc infused flower before and after impregnation

What is infused flower?

Infused flower often called also “caviar” is whole or ground up cannabis or hemp flower infused or impregnated with additional cannabinoid, terpene or both.

Infusion and impregnation process of the hemp flower includes vacuum impregnation, dipping, coating, spraying, sprinkling oil or extracts on cannabis flower.
To bind the two materials, usually heat is used, except with vacuum impregnation.
We will explain more about the benefits of vacuum impregnation further in the article.

Consequently infusion or impregntion helps in creating a powerful new strain of infused cannabis enriched with added elements of choice to the original strain.

Cannabis flowers are often infused with cannabinoids and terpens to give them different ecfects and flavors.

Usually the most used cannabinoids we use to infuse hemp flower are Delta-8, HHC or THC-O (which cannabinoid can be infused depends on the local legislation).


Why do we infuse hemp flower?


Hemp flower is non intoxicating, so to make it intoxicating we need to infuse or impregnate it with a intoxicating material like cannabinoid or terpene. By doing that, the plant is given a layer of potency.

Besides that, infusion and impregnation  give a hemp flower smell and taste. Hemp flower does not have a smell or taste on its own. With adding cannabionoids or terpenes hemp flower gets a specific aroma and/or effect. For us it is important to add here that long as quality hemp flower is used, there is no need for adding terpenes. 


Effects of impregnated flower


In the last years the cannnabis industry has been taken by storm with the development.

One big development came with infusion and impregnation.
Infused flower contains more potency than cannabis, due to the infused concentration of terpene laded essential oils and cannabinoids. 

With impregnated flower you do not need to consume as much of the flower as you would normally do to get the same effect. 


How to infuse hemp flower?


If you are interested in producing impregnated flower, there are several different techniques and machines to do it. 

At Exeat we make Vacuum Impregnation machine API for infusion of hemp flower with Butane as solvent in the vacuum.

Solvent recovery is done on the vacuum impregnation to bind cannabinoids. This method allows for significantly better distribution of the cannabinoid throughout the flower. And not only on the surface. As a result, the flower does not change color, it is not sticky and the distribution of cannabinoids is even.

Impregnation affects the cannabinoids composition and concentration without altering the terpenes.
We are othe only developer and manufacturer of Butane Impregnation System in the market.

Main reasons for using butane as solvent


  • Proving excellent solubility in the cannabinoids.
  • Requiring short mixture preparation.
  • Having the highest terpene preservation rate.
  • Needing low investment to start.
  • Needing the least energy to operate.
  • Having the lowest impact on environment.

You can read more about the benefits of butane as solvent in our blog.

Vacuum impregnation is a non-destructive method of introducing a solution with a specific composition to the porous matrices of fruit and vegetables. Mass transfer in this process is a result of mechanically induced differences in pressure. Vacuum impregnation makes it possible to fill large volumes of intercellular spaces in tissues of fruit and vegetables, thus modifying physico-chemical properties and sensory attributes of products. [1]


Which cannabinoids are used for flower infusion



HHC infused flower is a cannabis flower, usually hemp, and rich in potency of CBD or CBG. HHC is infused in the flower in the form of distillate, isolate or oil

HHC is quite new in the market, but gaining a lot of popularity due to its having milder effects than Delta-8, but still stronger potency than CBD.

The effects of HHC aim to produce comfortable feeling of mental relaxation while still lifting the spirits up by producing an euphoric feeling

HHC is made from hemp-derived CBD and it does not contain any type of THC (unlike Delta 8). So it has a legal advantage compared to Delat-8. 



A Delta-8 infused flower is a hemp flower infused with Delta-8 THC distillate (in the form of powder or oil).

Delta-8 is found in hemp plants in really small amount, which makes it hard to extract naturally.
Because of that scientists found a way to create Delta-8 from CBD, so now most of the Delta-8 infused flower found on the market ismade using CBD derived Delta-8.


Benefits of Infused Hemp Flower


Infused hemp flower combines the inherent benefits of hemp flower, rich in CBD, with the specific advantages of the infused cannabinoid.
Beyond stress reduction, promoting calmness, improving sleep, and pain relief, infusing hemp flower with Delta-8 or HHC enhances concentration, focus, appetite, and sleep patterns.
Additionally, the entourage effect is amplified, as cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids work synergistically for a more balanced and enhanced effect.

In summary, infused flower transforms cannabis into a potent, versatile product with a range of effects and flavors.
The infusion process, techniques, and cannabinoids used contribute to its appeal, providing users with a unique and enhanced cannabis experience.

Whether seeking relaxation, pain relief, or a euphoric lift, infused hemp flower opens the door to diverse possibilities, enhancing the overall cannabis landscape.


[1] E. Radziejewska-KubzdelaR. Biegańska-Marecik, M. Kidoń. Applicability of Vacuum Impregnation to Modify Physico-Chemical, Sensory and Nutritive Characteristics of Plant Origin Products—A Review.  2014 Sep; 15(9): 16577–16610.

Season’s greetings

Season’s greetings

Well, we made it! We are finisihing this year very successfuly!

We wanted to thank you all for sharing an incredible 2023 with us, your support has helped to make this year one of the best years so far.

The team at Exeat wishes you a wonderful holiday and a happy new year & we are looking forward to collaborate with you

Season’s greetings to all our partners! At Exeat we wis you joyful holidays and a succesfull new year.

Christmas greeting card Exeat
Superiority of butane as a solvent in impregnation and extraction machines

Superiority of butane as a solvent in impregnation and extraction machines

 As a highly flammable yet low-toxicity gas, butane emerges as the preferred solvent for various reasons.
Since the companys beginnings in 2015, extensive tests concluded that alkanes, particularly butane, offer the best price/quality ratio, ensuring optimal efficiency in processes.

Butane’s Key Advantages

Terpenes Preservation

Butane and propane exhibit the highest terpenes preservation rate, ensuring the integrity of the extracted compounds.

Energy Efficiency

Compared to Ethanol and compressed CO2, butane and propane boast the lowest energy costs, making them economically viable.

Color Preservation

Butane and propane do not alter the color of the flower, preserving its aesthetics.


Safety Compliance

Recognized as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) by FDA and EU regulations, butane ensures safety in usage.

Penetration Excellence

Butane and propane provide superior flower penetration rates, ensuring fast, deep, and equal distribution.

Environmental Impact

Boasting the lowest environmental impact, alkanes align with eco-friendly practices.

Choosing Butane


After meticulous testing, Butane emerged as the optimal choice over propane. Three main factors influenced our decision:

  • Non-Sticky Flowers: Butane ensures flowers remain non-sticky, facilitating smooth processes.
  • Homogeneous Application: It enables a homogeneous application on each piece, ensuring consistency.
  • Lower Energy Consumption: Butane’s lower energy consumption enhances overall efficiency.


A Proud Milestone


This journey of discovery has led us to proudly present our solutions, establishing us as a great European manufacturer of Butane Closed-Loop Impregnation & Extraction systems. If you have more questions, contact us. For a comprehensive understanding of butane’s applications, visit [external-website-link].


Ready to Elevate Your Processes?

Invest in excellence with our Butane Closed-Loop Impregnation & Extraction system. Contact us today to take the next step in optimizing your extraction processes!

The Art of Lyophilization: A Guide to Freeze-Drying

The Art of Lyophilization: A Guide to Freeze-Drying

In the realm of preservation and safeguarding delicate materials, lyophilization, commonly known as freeze drying, emerges as a transformative process with a multitude of applications.

Dive into the fascinating world of lyophilization or freeze dryng and uncover its key highlights that make it an indispensable technique across various industries.

Lyophilization, commonly known as freeze-drying, is a crucial process for preserving and safeguarding sensitive or heat-sensitive materials in various industries. 
Explore the key highlights of lyophilization:


Biological Activity Preservation

Lyophilization is the go-to method for preserving the biological activity of delicate substances, such as vaccines, enzymes, and probiotics, as it mitigates heat or chemical-related damage.


Shelf Life Extension

This technique significantly prolongs the shelf life of products by eliminating water, a primary factor in microbial growth, chemical degradation, and spoilage.


Low-Temperature Approach

Lyophilization involves freezing the material and then sublimating the ice at low temperatures and reduced pressure. This process helps maintain the product’s structural integrity and minimizes heat-induced harm.


Enhanced Stability

By eliminating water, freeze-drying prevents phase separation, aggregation, and chemical reactions that can occur in the presence of moisture, thus enhancing the product’s stability.


Compact and Lightweight

Post-lyophilization, products become more lightweight and compact, reducing transportation and storage costs.


Rehydration Capability

Freeze-dried products can be effortlessly rehydrated, regaining their original properties upon exposure to moisture. This feature is advantageous for instant coffee, powdered soups, and various medical applications.


Pharmaceutical Significance

The pharmaceutical industry widely employs lyophilization to enhance the stability and shelf life of injectable drugs like antibiotics and biologics.


Food Preservation

Lyophilization is a preferred method for preserving foods, retaining their flavor, color, and nutritional value. It is frequently used for fruits, vegetables, and ready-to-eat meals.


Research and Development

In the scientific realm, lyophilization is indispensable for sample preparation in electron microscopy, creating stable reference materials, and preserving biological samples for future analysis.


Cost and Energy Considerations

It’s worth noting that the lyophilization process can be cost-intensive and energy-demanding due to the extended duration and low temperatures required for drying.


Oxidation Risk

Some materials may be susceptible to oxidation during the freeze-drying process if not adequately protected or sealed.


Quality Control

Precise monitoring and control of parameters like temperature and pressure are essential to ensure the quality and consistency of the final lyophilized product.


Regulatory Compliance

Industries such as pharmaceuticals and food must adhere to strict regulatory standards and guidelines to ensure product safety and efficacy.



Exeat produces freeze drying machine in two sizes. Check out more about the machine and its specification.
In summary, lyophilization or freeze drying is a versatile technique with a multitude of applications in preserving and stabilizing various materials.
Its capacity to remove water while safeguarding sensitive substances makes it an invaluable process across multiple industries, despite the associated challenges and costs.